Is your blog showing as a blank screen or as incomplete? First of all, in Classic take the easy path and Republish. See if it clears up. Then check your template and see if it's truncated. You may not have caused the damage, but it happens! You have probably not lost any posts. Proceed.
If you don't have a safety copy of it, you could select a new or the same template over again and it might straighten out. If the template sidebar wasn't too changed, it might be a small loss to be repaired. Even better might be Googling for a cached version of the blog.
For that purpose, see if you can find a cached copy of your blog in Google or other search engine. If posts are missing, you might copy and paste a still-correct post. You can also go into Source code to copy the parts of the template you may be in danger of losing and yet absolutely need to preserve.
Be sure NOT to get in the View Source and copy any of the posts into your template later; they are not supposed to be there and the template will malfunction!
Selecting a new (or the same) template will not destroy your posts, only your current template (including the sidebar information).
If you are in New Blogger, you can go to the Edit Html box, look at the bottom of it, and locate the lines Revert to Classic Template. View Classic Template. Click on one of the lines. If you don't revert, you can copy and paste the old template and then use parts of it to sort out your current version. Remember that the code parts that were in your Classic template will go instead into some of the Page Elements that you create in New Blogger. |