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Most Frequent Blogger Questions


This blog outgrew the original intended 20 Questions & Answers and is now approximately 210 Q&A. I never did figure out which were the 20 most important ones.

I don't know more than I know--sometimes I know even less!
Click to see the incredible list,

All The Things I Don't Know!

If some portion of this blog is unreadable in Firefox, Internet Explorer, or whatever, tell it to go to hell then try another browser!!!


BLOGGER PROBLEM REPORT FORM http://help.blogger.com/?page=troubleshooter.cs&problem=&contact_type=bug_with_blogger_beta&Submit=Submit

The Blogger Wishlist feature no longer exists.

Blogger hasn't said why or if it'll ever return.

Tell BLOGGER WISHLIST about a feature you'd like to see in Blogger!


Kick-starting The Blog
1. Refresh (F5) or Ctrl-F5
2. Clear cache (delete temporary Internet files) and cookies in Tools-Internet Options.
3. Add a question mark to the end of your blog's internet address in the address box and see if it will show the latest update. (Can also be done with other people's url's in the address window.)
4. Republish (if in classic Blogger)
5. Reboot
6. Log out and log back in again (may change to an untroubled server)
7. Change or reload the browser (IE, Firefox, others)
8. Try a different computer, or see if you can duplicate the problem or avoid it in a post in another blog (make a test blog, whether in the same account or a second account, that's not public so nobody will see you screwing around!)

---Not necessary to do all of these at once!---

Blogger may make problems for some computers about accepting cookies, especially when you are using the new versions of Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers. Difficulties with accepting scripts may be caused by security systems, antivirus programs, firewalls, and some add-ons. Check all your settings.

You may need to change your browser settings, or to list www.blogger.com and blogger.com as "trusted sites" in your Internet Options-Security so that scripting can occur.



[For Newbies or anyone else who gets lost in the rain in Juarez.]

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Create a URL For Your Profile Pic

How to get a URL for an "About Me" photo that is only on your computer at present

Another Didactic List
1. If you need to alter the photo size, use a photo program to do so while it's still on your computer.
2. Use a blog post (on your main blog or some other) and use the photo icon (in the toolbar above the Edit Post text box) to add a photo.
3. You'll Browse your own computer, select one, and upload it to that post.
4. When you've completed that, you'll have a lot of code for a large and small photo pair, part of which ("http://... etc.) is the URL.
5. Save that post, but it's not necessary to publish it.
6. Use the right-click menu on the mouse to Copy the URL.
7. You can later Paste it into the "Photo URL" box in your blog's Edit Profile list.
8. Be sure to save the change at the bottom of the Edit Profile page.

If you use Blogger's picture icon or otherwise end up with the code for both large and small images, go here to unscramble the text and select the code for the smaller one at Header Picture Code.


Monday, September 24, 2007

How To Stop BHG Emails

Many of us cease to need these emails as suddenly as we began to need them!

Turn Off Blogger-Help-Group
Email Messages
1. Go to "Edit my membership"
2. Set the options on the left to "no email"
or click "Unsubscribe".
3. Click on "Save these Settings".


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Manage Posts -- Screenshot

AKA "EDIT POSTS", depending on which menu you follow to get to this screen.

DELETE or PUBLISH multiple posts!
Not shown, but at the bottom of the above page, there's buttons to click for "Publish Selected" or "Delete Selected". If you click on each of the boxes in front of the posts you'd like to delete or publish all at once, then you can click those Selection buttons. This is the only place you can delete multiple posts at once!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Trouble Posting Photos

A lot of people have that trouble at times, but also a lot do not. Hard to know any simple solution. If possible, change (even if temporarily) to another browser. Sometimes IE6 or IE7 will do a better job, sometimes Firefox or others will work better. If it gets the job done, you can then switch back to whatever you're used to. Or, there's no reason why you can't have one browser open in one window while you open another window for a second browser--you can alternate between them.

There are alternate free photo hosts such as Picasa, Photobucket, Flickr, etc. With some of them, costs may ensue if you exceed their limits. Try any of them, though, as alternatives when your photo host is troublesome. One may work when another one does not. Try it!

If you've been trying to add an image to text, make a new post and see what happens when you do it the other way around: add the text last. Or (again) do it the other way around! Don't treat it like a household problem, treat it like War! Try everything! All is fair! Click the Home and End buttons on your keyboard. You might even keep a Fake Blog around and try sending the photos to a post there.If that works, copy the html code and then paste it in where you want it.

Also see my Emergency Steps at the top of this blog for some general info about things not working.


Sunday, September 02, 2007

Enable Comment Moderation

If you think this is too much trouble, then you are evidently not very interested in your comments or in your own well-being. This will help!

Close the door to spammers, stalkers, skunks, and skulkers!
1. Go into your Dashboard.
2. Click on Manage Settings.
3. Click on Comments.
4. You have a long list of options here.
5. Answer Yes to "Enable comment moderation?"
6. Be sure to go to bottom of page and Save Settings


Saturday, September 01, 2007

Subscription List--Google Groups

How Others Subscribe To Your Blog
  1. Go to Create Google Group

  2. Create the group for your blog.
  3. Once created, click Visit Your Group and at the Home page click "Group Settings", located on the right side of the screen.

  4. Find "Get a promotion box for your website" and click it.

  5. It will show some code (probably 2 sets) for you to copy. Select the second.

  6. Return to your blog.

  7. Paste the copied text into an html/javascript page element.

  8. Go to your Dashboard.

  9. Go to Settings.

  10. Click Email tab.

  11. Enter the email for your Google Group in Blogsend Address.

  12. Click Save Settings.

  13. The blog will email the group and the group will email everyone on the list.

Everyone who subscribes will be sent an email copy of each new post, but there are options so you (or other individual subscribers) may select various forms of abridgement instead of the full post.

How do you want to read this group?

  1. No Email
    I will read this group on the web
  2. Abridged Email (No more than 1 email per day)
    Get a summary of new activity each day
  3. Digest Email (Approximately 1 email per day)
    Get up to 25 full new messages bundled into a single email
  4. Email (Approximately 1 email per day)
    Send each message to me as it arrives
See Change Email Options In Subscription List
Of course, Blogger already has a "Subscribe to Posts" link at the bottom of the blog. Many people use that.