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Most Frequent Blogger Questions


This blog outgrew the original intended 20 Questions & Answers and is now approximately 210 Q&A. I never did figure out which were the 20 most important ones.

I don't know more than I know--sometimes I know even less!
Click to see the incredible list,

All The Things I Don't Know!

If some portion of this blog is unreadable in Firefox, Internet Explorer, or whatever, tell it to go to hell then try another browser!!!


BLOGGER PROBLEM REPORT FORM http://help.blogger.com/?page=troubleshooter.cs&problem=&contact_type=bug_with_blogger_beta&Submit=Submit

The Blogger Wishlist feature no longer exists.

Blogger hasn't said why or if it'll ever return.

Tell BLOGGER WISHLIST about a feature you'd like to see in Blogger!


Kick-starting The Blog
1. Refresh (F5) or Ctrl-F5
2. Clear cache (delete temporary Internet files) and cookies in Tools-Internet Options.
3. Add a question mark to the end of your blog's internet address in the address box and see if it will show the latest update. (Can also be done with other people's url's in the address window.)
4. Republish (if in classic Blogger)
5. Reboot
6. Log out and log back in again (may change to an untroubled server)
7. Change or reload the browser (IE, Firefox, others)
8. Try a different computer, or see if you can duplicate the problem or avoid it in a post in another blog (make a test blog, whether in the same account or a second account, that's not public so nobody will see you screwing around!)

---Not necessary to do all of these at once!---

Blogger may make problems for some computers about accepting cookies, especially when you are using the new versions of Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers. Difficulties with accepting scripts may be caused by security systems, antivirus programs, firewalls, and some add-ons. Check all your settings.

You may need to change your browser settings, or to list www.blogger.com and blogger.com as "trusted sites" in your Internet Options-Security so that scripting can occur.



[For Newbies or anyone else who gets lost in the rain in Juarez.]

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Move (Re-locate) Photos in a Post

Most photos get loaded at the top of the post. I am not aware of any way to "point" with the cursor or otherwise assign the photo being uploaded a specific position in a post.

The photo or image can, of course, be moved after it has been uploaded. Below are two methods for changing the photo position(s):

In Compose mode you can see the photos. You can relocate the image by dragging and dropping it.

In Edit Html mode you will see the code for the photos and will have to use Preview (or switch to the Compose mode) to see images. You can move it by using Cut and Paste on the code.
If Compose tab is missing, you might have to go to Settings to activate it or it may be that you need to Refresh (F5) or clear your cache and cookies to make the link/icon visible again.

Also of value, consider Table for Horizontal Photos In Post .

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Placing Photos in your Post

Every photo you upload will go on top of your post and you have to move them "by hand" if you want them in special locations.

You can move the photos where you want them AFTER you upload them (use
either drag-and-drop with the mouse or "cut" the html photo code and
then paste it into the correct location or sequence.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

When Reverting to Classic Template Was A Big Mistake

Now you want to revert back to the New Blogger (Layout) version, but Blogger only allows for part of that; unless you had not yet created any page elements, you can't switch back with a single button-push or without some busy work!
1. locate and click on "Customize Design",
2. then click on "Upgrade Your Template ",
3. choose a new template.
4. click "Save the template"

[More below...]

You will be returned to an upgraded version of Blogger (with the layout) in which you will find some aspects of the Layout version, but not the elements that you added previously. You can create new Page Elements, but all the elements that disappeared when you reverted to the Classic template will remain lost. The only way to have kept a "backup" of the page elements would have been to have "expanded" the widget templates and to have made "copy and paste" copies of the text data and kept them in plain-text files (such as Notepad).

I've switched back and forth like this numerous times, but only in a test blog, not in an important blog with things too important for me to lose all the elements, so I may not have noticed every detail of what's possible and what's not. I just know that some things will be possible.

Never discount the possibility of being able to view "cached" versions of your blog in Google or other search engines and possibly being able to "copy and paste" some of your code or info from there. Maybe you can recuperate a goodly portion of it by using your Internet Options to get to the "View Source Code" feature.

But do be careful not to copy any parts of the posts out of the Source Code into your actual template; it will cause great damage if you do!