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Most Frequent Blogger Questions


This blog outgrew the original intended 20 Questions & Answers and is now approximately 210 Q&A. I never did figure out which were the 20 most important ones.

I don't know more than I know--sometimes I know even less!
Click to see the incredible list,

All The Things I Don't Know!

If some portion of this blog is unreadable in Firefox, Internet Explorer, or whatever, tell it to go to hell then try another browser!!!


BLOGGER PROBLEM REPORT FORM http://help.blogger.com/?page=troubleshooter.cs&problem=&contact_type=bug_with_blogger_beta&Submit=Submit

The Blogger Wishlist feature no longer exists.

Blogger hasn't said why or if it'll ever return.

Tell BLOGGER WISHLIST about a feature you'd like to see in Blogger!


Kick-starting The Blog
1. Refresh (F5) or Ctrl-F5
2. Clear cache (delete temporary Internet files) and cookies in Tools-Internet Options.
3. Add a question mark to the end of your blog's internet address in the address box and see if it will show the latest update. (Can also be done with other people's url's in the address window.)
4. Republish (if in classic Blogger)
5. Reboot
6. Log out and log back in again (may change to an untroubled server)
7. Change or reload the browser (IE, Firefox, others)
8. Try a different computer, or see if you can duplicate the problem or avoid it in a post in another blog (make a test blog, whether in the same account or a second account, that's not public so nobody will see you screwing around!)

---Not necessary to do all of these at once!---

Blogger may make problems for some computers about accepting cookies, especially when you are using the new versions of Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers. Difficulties with accepting scripts may be caused by security systems, antivirus programs, firewalls, and some add-ons. Check all your settings.

You may need to change your browser settings, or to list www.blogger.com and blogger.com as "trusted sites" in your Internet Options-Security so that scripting can occur.



[For Newbies or anyone else who gets lost in the rain in Juarez.]

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Caution To Businessmen

Hell, don't do it!

There will be no guarantee that Blogger will keep the blog online and available all the time. There are glitches and gremlins and other problems that individuals may overlook (just barely), but, at any rate, they have no money at risk, just their own ego and pride.

People who have money at stake become a different kind of beast. If you plan to start insisting on the UTTER SERIOUSNESS of your blog and of your need to keep that blog up and going 24-7, you will sometimes be out of luck, just like the individuals who blog here.

[More below...]

People who have business blogs often cry and scream that their readers MUST have access to the blog, but Blogger is usually not going to JUMP into action. I don't even have much sympathy for you, and I know how heartless Blogger can be! Whatever their excuse for it, neither civilians nor businessmen get instant fixes. So don't hang your life and soul on Blogger—and certainly not the Bottom Line of your business that you can't live without.
In general, you get what you pay for. I've gotten more than I paid for, but I'm just one person, and I have low expectations.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Post Template

Adding code or text to every post
If adding a bit of code to every post is sufficient to do a certain job, why bother with Copy and Paste? Why not use the Post Template? You can use CSS for some things, but it's more difficult in some cases. If you're new to Blogger, it's easier to wrap your brain around the Post Template!

  1. Go to Dashboard,
  2. click on Settings.
  3. click Formatting.
  4. Go almost to the bottom of the page. Post Template is the eleventh item, I believe.
  5. Place any code or text that you wish to have in every post. Every time you create a new post, that template will take effect.
  6. If you start your post above the code, then that code will be at the bottom of each.
  7. As far as that goes, any code you wish could also be at the top of your post, as long as you're careful to put your post between the top template code and the bottom template code.
  8. You are already at the bottom of the Formatting List, but be sure to "Save Changes" before you exit.

[More below...Examples]

Below are items of code or text you might want in every post and can put it in every new post with the Post Template. These are only examples, not meant as literal recommendations—after all, I don't know you well enough!

  • I used to put a colored line at the bottom of each post with <hr color=crimson>
  • a <br /> (or 2 or 3 of them) would add a small blank space.
  • You might add the codes needed in each post for your Expandable post hack or some other item of code (font size or font colors, perhaps) that you like, but hate to type in each time.
  • You can either use it a little or a lot, depending on how comfortable you can get with it or how often you wish to have some of the same formatting in each post.

The Post Template will not help you with existing (old) posts, only with ones you create after the Template has been created.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Make Link Open in New Window

<A HREF="link.html" TARGET="_blank"> text</a>

To make a link open in a new window, you will have to write the HTML in this "anchor" format, shown—with slight presentation differences, in case one is more clear to Newbies—both above and below this paragraph. The one below is more clear to me.

<a href="URL of target site" target="_blank">Anchor Text</a>

If you put the following code (with real info substituted) in your own post or sidebar, you'd get my other (very irreverent) blog, "The Rat Squeaks", opening in a New window:

<A HREF="http://rodentia.blogspot.com/" TARGET="_blank"> THE RAT SQUEAKS </a>

Limiting Commenters On Your Blog

1. go to Dashboard.
2. Click Settings,
3. Click Comments.
4. You'll find several options concerning comments.
5. The second entry is for "Who can comment?.
6. Select the one you want.

(if you have more than one blog, each one is controlled separately, so you're not committing any other blogs to this choice.)
7. After making your one or several changes, scroll to page bottom and click Save Changes.
Who can comment?

  1. Anyone - includes Anonymous Users
  2. Registered Users - includes OpenID
  3. Users with Google Accounts
  4. Only members of this blog
You choose only 1 of above 4!

Friday, July 04, 2008

Quick Edit Crossed Tools

It's too bad that new Bloggers cannot more readily see what the "crossest tools" (screwdriver and wrench) are for. They are convenient Quick Edit tools, visible only to you and only when you are logged in to that blog.

Neither these nor the Quick-Edit pencil icon under each post can be seen or used by others.

We all worried about someone else being able to edit our posts or page elements for a few minutes when they were first introduced, so you're not alone if you panicked! But forget it now and you'll soon enough find something serious to worry about in Blogger! It's full of real bugs and glitches.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Convert Html to a Displayable Post Text

-- AMPERSAND CODES can be used in short sections to show the code itself (which is what I might do to show single nonbreaking space.

HTML Ampersand Character Codes

-- For longer sections that need to be "translated" or if you're lazy, the programs below convert html code for you. Both work well, though Postable's first screen is a little less intuitive.


Quick Escape

The code above would be displayed first in the post as code, then on screen here like this (converted by Quick Escape):

<a href=\"http://www.accessify.com/tools-and-wizards/developer-tools/quick-escape/\">Quick Escape</a>

Normally that anchor code would be executed as a link, not shown on screen.