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Most Frequent Blogger Questions


This blog outgrew the original intended 20 Questions & Answers and is now approximately 210 Q&A. I never did figure out which were the 20 most important ones.

I don't know more than I know--sometimes I know even less!
Click to see the incredible list,

All The Things I Don't Know!

If some portion of this blog is unreadable in Firefox, Internet Explorer, or whatever, tell it to go to hell then try another browser!!!


BLOGGER PROBLEM REPORT FORM http://help.blogger.com/?page=troubleshooter.cs&problem=&contact_type=bug_with_blogger_beta&Submit=Submit

The Blogger Wishlist feature no longer exists.

Blogger hasn't said why or if it'll ever return.

Tell BLOGGER WISHLIST about a feature you'd like to see in Blogger!


Kick-starting The Blog
1. Refresh (F5) or Ctrl-F5
2. Clear cache (delete temporary Internet files) and cookies in Tools-Internet Options.
3. Add a question mark to the end of your blog's internet address in the address box and see if it will show the latest update. (Can also be done with other people's url's in the address window.)
4. Republish (if in classic Blogger)
5. Reboot
6. Log out and log back in again (may change to an untroubled server)
7. Change or reload the browser (IE, Firefox, others)
8. Try a different computer, or see if you can duplicate the problem or avoid it in a post in another blog (make a test blog, whether in the same account or a second account, that's not public so nobody will see you screwing around!)

---Not necessary to do all of these at once!---

Blogger may make problems for some computers about accepting cookies, especially when you are using the new versions of Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers. Difficulties with accepting scripts may be caused by security systems, antivirus programs, firewalls, and some add-ons. Check all your settings.

You may need to change your browser settings, or to list www.blogger.com and blogger.com as "trusted sites" in your Internet Options-Security so that scripting can occur.



[For Newbies or anyone else who gets lost in the rain in Juarez.]

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Gold Stars (In Blogger Help Group)

In Blogger Help Group, many new readers leave a question and then don't know how to retrace their steps to find out if an answer has ever been posted. If any of them are lucky enough to read this, the solution is easy.

  1. Locate the blue-outlined white star to the left of each thread.
  2. Click the star and it will turn gold.
  3. When you return to BHG again, click on the word "Favorites" at the top of any page.
  4. You will then see a list of 1 or more of the threads you previously marked with gold stars.
  5. Click on the thread "title" of each star to view the thread and see if any answers were submitted.

    ALSO: You can click on "profile" in the top right of the Blogger Help Group pages. A list of ALL the questions/answers originating from you will appear under your profile details.

Don't waste time leaving your email in the ordinary format, it won't work and therefore no one can email you!

See Leave Your Email At Blogger Help Group?

The above will save most new users a great deal of time. I wish I hadn't spent weeks before I discovered it all!

Also in Blogger Help Group, you can click Edit Membership and have email updates sent to you.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Activate Post Pages

From your Dashboard,

1. Go to Settings,
2. then Archive,
3. then select "Yes" at Enable Post Pages.
4. Click Save Settings.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Show No "About Me"

Show no "About Me",
Show only the "View My Complete Profile".

1. Go to the Layout section.
2. Click on Add Page Element.
3. Add it, if absent, or click on Edit Profile.
4. Click on Share my profile.
5. Do not click on About Me.
6. You may want to unclick the Show Location. If unsure, worry about it later.

This should allow most of the About Me to remain unseen, while your readers still have the View My Complete Profile to click on.

See also: Make Your Own Blogger Profile

Transfer Blog From One Account To Another

In 4 easy steps:

Nitecruzr's Post



Blogger's Instructions

or More Blogger's Instructions.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Header Picture Code

Unscrambling Blogger photo code for Header picture code

Blogger's picture icon is good for regular pictures in the post or in the sidebar, but it's overdone for the purpose of putting a photo in your header. You don't need both large and small versions for the header.

What Blogger may give you when you upload the photo to a post (Save it, but don't Publish it!) will resemble this:

<a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiW0WfYsy_i4SwyaYumkQqxeLUFNu54pRYjaZfSPrMVvC1TPTUd7jd65bUanoyRQUUy5h3wInYtFVCoSkf5Co99QUH5n6v9_ZBhOF9fr-fIX6vW0oLQm-kfyfZnyJBk1p1KXlBU/s1600-h/dgblues.jpg"><img id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5025971925707284738" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiW0WfYsy_i4SwyaYumkQqxeLUFNu54pRYjaZfSPrMVvC1TPTUd7jd65bUanoyRQUUy5h3wInYtFVCoSkf5Co99QUH5n6v9_ZBhOF9fr-fIX6vW0oLQm-kfyfZnyJBk1p1KXlBU/s400/dgblues.jpg" border="0" /></a>

What you would need to extract is this:


If you didn't notice on your own, the difference between the red code at the top and the red code above this paragraph is that the -h has been deleted after S1600.

SMALL IMAGE: The url contained in the blue text (marked S400) is the smaller of the images and will need no correction--just the code, such as this, shown above:


Assuming that the S400 is actually small and not just less than the large one, you could enter that code, as shown, into the Photo Url as your Profile Photo.